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Rooth, Mats and Dorit Abusch (to appear). Picture descriptions and centered content. To appear in Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21 (preprint).

Howell, Jonathan, Mats Rooth and Michael Wagner (2016). Acoustic classification of focus: on the web and in the lab. Doi 1813/42538.

Rooth, Mats (to appear). Alternative semantics. In Caroline Féry and Shinichiro Ishihara (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Information Structure . Oxford: Oxford University Press. (book info).

Rooth, Mats (2015). Representing focus scoping over new. In Thuy Bai and Deniz Özyildiz (eds.) Proceedings of the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeing of the North East Linguisic Society. Doi 1813/40860.

Rooth, Mats (2014). Operators for definition by paraphrase. In a Festschrift for Ede Zimmermann: Approaches to Meaning: Composition, Values, and Interpretation, edited by Daniel Gutzmann, Jan Kopping and Cécile Meier (book info, postprint).

Lutz, David, Parry Cadwallader and Mats Rooth (2013). A web application for filtering and annotating web speech data Web as Corpus 8, July 2013. Doi 1813/33464.

Rooth, Mats (2010). Second occurrence focus and relativized stress F . In Fery, Caroline and Zimmermann, Malte (eds.) Information Stucture: Theoretical, Typological, and Experimental Perspectives. Oxford University Press. Preprint doi 1813/13092.

Deoskar, Tejaswini, Rooth, Mats and Sima'an, Khalil (2009). Smoothing fine-grained PCFG lexicons. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Parsing Technologies. (pdf)

Howell, Jonathan and Mats Rooth (2009). Web harvest of minimal intonational pairs. Web as Corpus 5, September 2009. Doi 1813/13079.

Howell, Jonathan and Rooth, Mats (2009). A corpus search methodology for focus realization. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Volume 125, Issue 4, pp. 2573-2573. Abstract and poster at doi 1813/13093 .

Rooth, Mats (2008). Notions of Focus Anaphoricity. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, Vol. 55 (3-4), pp. 277-285 (2008). Doi 10.1556/ALing.55.2008.3-4.3. (pdf)

Deoskar, Tejaswini and Rooth, Mats (2008). Induction of Treebank-Aligned Lexical Resources. Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Marrakech. Morocco. (pdf)

Scope Disambiguation by Ellipsis and Focus without Scope Economy. 15th Amsterdam Colloquium, 2005. (pdf)

Topic Accents on Quantifiers (2005). In Reference and Quantification: the Partee Effect, Greg Carlson and Jeffrey Pelletier, (eds.) Stanford: CSLI Publications. (pdf)

Association with Focus or Association with Presuppostion? (1999). In P. Bosch and R. van der Sandt, (eds.), Focus. Studies in Natural Language Processing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Preprint (pdf).

On the Interface Principles for Intonational Focus (1992). Natural Language Semantics. Preprint (pdf).

A Theory of Focus Interpretation (1992). Natural Language Semantics. Preprint (pdf).

Epistemic NP Modifiers, in Proceedings of SALT VII, 1997. A. Lawson and A. Cho (eds.), CLC Publications, Ithaca NY. Online (elanguage).

Association with Focus. (1985). Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Doi 1813/28568 .

Generalized Conjunction and Type Ambiguity (1985). With Barbara Partee. In Bauerle, Schwartze, and von Stechow, eds. Meaning, Use, and Interpretation of Language. Berlin: de Gruyter. (pdf).

Conjunction, type ambiguity, and wide scope or (1983). With Barbara Partee. In Proceedings of the First West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Linguistics Department, Stanford University. (pdf).


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