Doctoral Students
Helmut Schmid , A Parser for Text Corpora. (1999, University of Stuttgart.
Associate Professor, University of Munich.)
- Erika Fonseca de Lima, The Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Information from
Portuguese Text Corpora with a Probabilistic Context-free Grammar. (2002,
University of Stuttgart. SAP AG.)
- Detlef Prescher,
EM-basierte maschinelle Lernverfahren für natürliche Sprachen
(EM-Based Maschine Learning in Natural Language Processing.) (2002,
University of Stuttgart.)
- Yuping Zhou, Towards a Dynamic, Ambiguity-rich Semantics---inspired by a corpus study
on the negation~quantifier scope ambiguity. (2008, Cornell.)
- Tejaswini
Deoskar, Induction Of Fine-Grained Lexical Parameters Of Treebank
PCFGs With Inside-Outside Estimation And Lexical
Transformations. (2009, Cornell. ILCC, University of Edinburgh.)
- Hongyuan
Dong, Issues In The Semantics Of Mandarin Questions. (2009,
Cornell. Assistant Professor, Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literatures, George Washington
- Zhiguo
Xie, The Relevance of
Gradability in Natural Language: Chinese and English (2011,
Cornell. Assistant Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and
Literatures, the Ohio State University. )
- Jonathan Howell,
Meaning and
Intonation: On the Web, in the Lab and from the Theorist's
Armchair (2011, Cornell. Assistant Professor, Montclair State
- Jiwon Yun,
WH-Indefinites: Meaning and Prosody
(2013, Cornell. Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University)